You hope to minimize the sum of money you spend on floor restoration and fix Essex Area. Here's one simple tactic: pay attention to care requirements, particularly during"good weather" -- during the summertime.

After all, although Essex Area summers are wonderfully mild and refreshing, subtle damage which happens during July, August, respectively -- particularly during hot and humid days -- could exact an annoying toll on your floors and jack up later maintenance and repair expenses. With that in mind, here are several strategies for summer maintenance for your Essex hardwood flooring.

1. Mind the hazards of expanding and contracting.

On sweltering days, the humidity and dampness in the air can cause floors to buckle, enlarge, etc.. Some movement is natural and inevitable. But also much motion can lead to cracking and warping. If you go from town on a long trip or vacation, make your dehumidifier and AC working on a modified setting to guard these flooring.

2. Look out for sunshine discoloration.

Natural sunlight can be a wonderful thing -- it can boost your vitamin D levels obviously, for instance. But when wood floors soak up too much sunlight, they can become discolored and even ruined. Look at closing the drapes or shades for at least a few hours per day to protect floors from too much brutal sunlight.

3. Reign in sand harm.

Should you possess a beachside home -- or a home near the water -- you might need to contend with sand, sand, and other debris tracked into the house on a regular basis. If not properly controlled, the grit can wear down the ground, create houses for pests, and lead to mold and mildew issues.

4. To Take Care of your summer floor upkeep, connect with the team here at Essex Floor Sanding .

We can assist you to know not only what to do to keep your floors looking beautiful throughout the Dog Days but also equip you with insights into timber floor maintenance, so you save money and effort within the long-term.

Contact or email us via our contact form for a free quote: 01245 839 840 .
